Thursday, 29 September 2016

When You Can't See The Whole Plan 

You, my darling, are not a failure. When God made you failure isn’t the word he chose and when he called you it was not the name he used. 

You just weren’t called like the others. God had something special for you and it just wasn’t ready when you were. So God gives you your next best step to prepare you for something you can only be prepared for by experience.
And it feels wrong, like you’re wasting time, sitting in a waiting room for God to call your number. But there is something in your waiting room, an experience you need, something you need to see first, something you need to know.
And sometimes you feel forgotten because it looks like others are skipping the line. But life is not prescribed into set paths.
And waiting is painful; not being able to see the future when others can is often painful.
But darling, there is a plan for you, and knowing it all is just too much. I have no doubts God is excited about your plans, I can imagine it takes restraint not to tell you. But you learn things like this. A plan like yours requires a different sort of faith, a daily bread sort of faith that requires foresight enough to start asking God now because you only see provision for today. And so it goes forth, your next best step. One step, the next step, and before you know it he’s teaching you to walk.

So darling, you are not a failure because you can’t see the whole plan or because your path doesn’t look like it’s supposed to, you have more realistic things to worry about than ‘supposed to’. You have a God with great plans and they’ve already begun, in the things you will learn every day until then.  

Sunday, 11 September 2016

 Dear Friend...

I lift you up, beside me and above me. Not so I can be trampled, but because you can be better and I know I can get there, but you need help.
I don’t ever do it because of anything either of us have done, or even not done.
I do it because of love. I am called to love. So I love. I do not love because, nor do I love despite. I simply love.
There is nothing I wish to gain from you; I have no expectations or misconceptions. There is nothing you can do to earn my help, it is offered freely.
I was created by a God who wired me to be love in this world, who wired and programed me so deeply that anything else I chose to do is learned. And I have no reason to ever be anything other than what I was created for; I have no account I can give that would explain why I would think myself exempt from love. No amount of my own hurt allows me to be anything other than love; it simply means I should know the importance and value of love.
I have no right to be hateful of others, no reason to think myself better. No excuse exempts me from the calling we are all given. To be love and light in a world that needs it.
And you my friend, you are deserving of love, of my love and the love of others. You are not entitled to it; it is a gift, freely given, a fondness of the person you were created to be and have become.
We all go around loving others who love us and think that we are being generous, we wish the best on our enemies and call ourselves strong. Anybody can love because, but then it’s not really love, its thankfulness, a general fondness. Anybody can love despite, but that’s not love, that’s ignorance, and taking into account things that don’t really matter. But to love for the sake of love; recognizes that God first loved you, and so will I.
If God can love even me, it is certain he loves you.